
Strange Sounds Like Trumpet in the Sky

Lately there is news of a strange sound like a trumpet coming from lagit in several countries in Europe and the United States. Some people are afraid because according to some religion he follows it is the sound of trumpets marked the end times will occur. News the trumpet sound coming from a video uploaded on YouTube. Initially videos splashy news was considered a hoax created by YouTubers kicks. But scientists curious about it and make research whether the video is authentic and how strange things can happen that riddle the mysteries of nature that can be solved. Many have mentioned this is a phenomenon skyquake, or earthquakes sky. The term was first used by Charles Fort, researchers fortean legendary event. This phenomenon is unknown mysterious sound and sounded like cannon fire, sonic boom or rumble or earthquakes. The existence of this phenomenon has been reported since hundreds of years ago. Sir George Darwin, son of Charles Darwin who was also a geophysicist, been watchin